From Great Need Comes Great Innovation

This past weekend I attended and presented at Africa Gathering DC - an Africa ideas oriented  event with social media craftfully employed to amplify the great messages. There were artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, development workers and more sharing and remixing their hope for Africa.

I presented a broad overview of the amazing things that I got to be a part of, when I lived in Malawi and worked with Baobab. My zooming/swooping/rotating "prezi" can be seen here: I think a video was made too, but it isn't posted yet.

Here's a selection of the tweets people made about my presentation (thanks everyone!).

tracy1314 #agdc up now... Mike McKay of Boabab Health

tracy1314 #agdc @mikemckay social justice hacker... Setting up his presentation.

tracy1314 #agdc talking abt HIV killing the people who hold the future of africa in their hands

KateBomz #AGDC Mike Mckay "Social Justice Hacker" of Baobab HEALTH running a chilling @prezi presentation.

tracy1314 #agdc stuff is happening in developing countries that does not happen anywhere else. Good stuff!

tracy1314 #agdc there is shout from the roof tops awesome stuff happening in Africa.


MByrd No place for poverty porn in @mikeymckay book at #agdc

digitalafrican RT @tracy1314: Baobab health started with an idea that touch screen computers could improve health in Malawi. #agdc

tracy1314 I wish my Dr. Had this system! 30 sec to check in at the dr? Awesome. #agdc

ideasforafrica Hospital registration with this touchscreen system has gone from 20 minutes to 57 seconds in Malawi (Boabab Health) #agdc

nicktadd there are less than 300 doctors for 1million people in Malawi #agdc #omidyar

tracy1314 1 million HIV positive people and 300 dr. In Malawi. Plenty of HIV medication, not enough medicine to distribute medicine #agdc

nicktadd "I wish my Dr. Had this system! 30 sec to check in at the dr? Awesome. #agdc" -@tracy1314 - agreed awesome

KateBomz RT @ideasforafrica: Hospital registration with this touchscreen system has gone from 20 minutes to 57 seconds in Malawi (Boabab Health) #agdc

VaxTrac @mikemckay #agdc Great presentation on health, tech and !Success! by Baobab Health in Malawi.

EGlue RT @ideasforafrica: Baobab Health-started by using touch screen computers to improve healthcare in Malawi @mikemckay #agdc

KateBomz Truly awesome! 'at least' you have a doctor RT @tracy1314 I wish my Dr. Had this system! 30 sec to check in at the dr? Awesome. #agdc

AfricanAncestry #agdc @liveafrican used social media to promote sales of scarves; 5% of gross sales goes toward educating child of artisan for 1 year

tracy1314 Treatment protocols have to be strictly managed and documented... Result unmanageable paper mess #agdc

jkainja RT @africagathering: there are less than 300 doctors for 1million people in Malawi #agdc #omidyar

tracy1314 Time waste managing the paper. Touch screen clinical work stations at every point of contact. That guide them thru the protocol. #agdc

ideasforafrica Baobab Health- touch screen clinical work stations to guide healthcare worker through treatment protocol- more efficient #agdc

KateBomz Prime example of visual transparency #problem & #solution..Baobab Health presentation #agdc

marcopuccia LOL I agree! RT @tracy1314 I wish my Dr. Had this system! 30 sec to check in at the dr? Awesome. #agdc

tracy1314 #agdc helps w accuracy and prediction of supplies. Problem: computers are a non starter in Africa

tmarente RT @africagathering: there are less than 300 doctors for 1million people in Malawi #agdc #omidyar

marcopuccia "From great need comes great innovation!" - @mikeymckay #agdc

KateBomz RT @marcopuccia: "From great need comes great innovation!" - @mikeymckay #agdc

mollymali 9 months is avg life of a computer in rural village in Africa, @mikemckay of Baobab Health. #agdc

tracy1314 #agdc what to do abt power? You can't assume reliable power. Computers need power... What to do?

danyasteele Love that >> RT @ideasforafrica: "from great need comes great innovation" @mickemckay #agdc

tracy1314 #agdc low power machines run by car battery. When power on it chrges the batteries, when power down, baterries kick in. This same set up...

ideasforafrica Innovation 4 power: Use car batteries to run a whole clinic's touch-screens, works for days if power is cut. @mikemckay #agdc

tracy1314 #agdc works with out main power... Replace it with solar or wind>> again awesome!

marvintumbo RT @ideasforafrica: Innovation 4 power: Use car batteries to run a whole clinic's touch-screens, works for days if power is cut. @mikemckay #agdc

mollymali Hey @VOA_Crystal you should contact @mikeymckay from Baobab Health about putting computers into rural areas. #agdc

marcopuccia Focusing African ingenuity into high-impact innovation can create disruptive change! #agdc

ideasforafrica African innovation isn't just low-tech ingenuity, it can be harnessed for the high impact and high tech- @mickemckay #agdc

tracy1314 #agdc William kawemba on screen with Malawian building touch screen computers for boabab. >> thats some awesome innovation in that pix

africagathering Great presentation done by Mike McKay #agdc #omidyar

nicktadd Great presentation done by Mike McKay #agdc #omidyar

marvintumbo RT @ideasforafrica: African innovation isn't just low-tech ingenuity, it can be harnessed for the high impact and high tech- @mickemckay #agdc

madayo So impressed with @mikeymckay on necessity and innovation and "just figuring out how to do stuff" in Africa. #agdc

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