VSAT buyer's guide

Wow this looks like just what I have been looking for. Every other day
someone in Malawi asks me about getting a VSAT internet connection. Now
I have a resource to point them towards (and hopefully a resource to
help me find an affordable VSAT!)
The VSAT Buyer's Guide
What steps do organisations and individuals take when faced with the
prospect of buying a VSAT- a parabolic dish and associated electronic
equipment used to send and receive information via a satellite? How do
they select VSAT equipment and service options and arrive at the final
choice? What factors should be considered in buying VSAT equipment and
services and what should be avoided? What should one do after
installation and when the VSAT system is not performing as anticipated?
There are many books on satellite communications, VSAT systems and
procurement strategies, but none that specifically address how to
efficiently acquire VSAT systems and the issues to consider in the
complex decision making process leading to the acquisition in a
non-technical way.
Having experienced this unsettling situation first hand, as a direct
result, and with the support of IDRCs Connectivity Africa Program
staff, this Guide was developed.
There are a lot of great resources for wireless networking in Africa like the VSAT Buyers Guide, [...]